Monday, May 21, 2012


My life lately has been insanely busy. I work between 45 and 50 hours a week, as a nanny for two adorable little girls. I coach volleyball. My husband and I have our own business that we are trying to grow. We recently bought and remodeled a house. And we do our best to find time to spend just focused on each other. It's a pretty great life, and I am so incredibly thankful for it.

However (isn't there always a "however"?) all of this craziness has led me to neglect one health. In high school, I played two varsity sports, was in theater, and of course, there was P.E. class. I wasn't just crazy busy, I was also physically busy. I never thought about being in shape, or staying fit, I just was. The thought of working out for the sake of working out never crossed my mind. In fact, if it had, it would have seemed a little silly. I was able to eat what I wanted, when I wanted, and it pretty much worked for me.

Guess how that's working out now? You guessed it...not so great. I've come to the point where I no longer feel healthy, and that is what bothers me the most. I feel sluggish, out of shape, and just plain icky. This is a relatively unfamiliar feeling to me...for the most part, I've always been pretty confident in myself physically. And this isn't about a dress size; no matter what I do, how little I eat, or how much I work out, I will never be a size 2. In fact, I probably couldn't fit one boob into a size 2.

So it's not about eating's about eating healthfully.

And it's not about working out to get's about feeling athletic again.

And if I'm honest, I want to go shopping and feel good in the dressing room again. Because I love shopping, and lately, it's been a little less fun. (At least it's saved me some money, right?)

And if I'm honest again, I'll admit that I'm a big talker. I like to make charts and plans and lists, and tell myself "This month, I shall accomplish such and such a goal." But often, the charts and plans and lists are the end of the accomplishment. This is the very reason for this blog. You all, whether you are one person, or ten, or a hundred, or more, are my accountability team.  I am vowing here and now to stick to this, and for the next 9 weeks, I will blog six days a week about my progress.

I'm not sure of what the blogs will consist. They might be a new recipe, or something that inspired me that day. They might be recounts of my workout struggle. Who knows? The only way to find out is to read. I hope that some of you will join me on my journey to a healthier me!


Random Fact: There are an average of 2 credit cards for every 1 person in the United States of America. Sad Story.

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